Volleyball Poems For Inspiration | Volleyball Poetry

Read beautiful poems about volleyball - Volleyball Poems from famous poets and best poems to feel good. Best volleyball poems poems ever written. 

Volleyball Poems


I was scared

To call mine

For fear of


I was scared

To dive

For fear of

Not getting it

I was scared

To approach

The ball set to me

For fear of

Missing it

I was scared

To take the chance

Of messing up

In fear of

Looking weak

And useless

But one day

I took that chance

I dove for that ball

And hit it up

I hit that set

Killed it

I called that ball

And owned it

Now I tune out

Those voices that say

I can't make it

That I'll mess it up

Because I'm sick

Of being scared

Kelsey Martinson



blood pumping, adrenaline coursing through my veins

there is only one thing that crosses my mind

to win, crushing my opponent shamefully to the ground

where I can claim certain victory over them

just to feel the electric tension as points are scored and time runs out

feeling elated as my thunderous serves go untouched on the other side

bumps, sets, spikes are key to the game

but nothing is more important than teamwork

you yell, you scream, you call the ball

as its path crosses your zone

and teammates back you up

you dance on the court, keeping that single ball up

hoping to gain the points needed to reach the goal

as sweat and anxiety fills the court,

the winning point looming over the horizon

muscles become rigid and legs stay firmly on the ground

as we perform the final moves to defeat them

and as the crowd roars its support from the bleachers

we jump and celebrate at the hard work we put forth

as we rise above the ranks and become true champions

May Namoc



As that ball,

gets served over the net,

my heart pounds,

as I get ready to hit.

First, the passer,

then the setter goes,

then comes my turn,

to hit the ball.

A perfect pass,

an amazing set,

now it's up to me,

to get it over the net.

My hand touches the ball,

I bend my joint,

boom! Everyone cheers,

I scored a point.

Lisa Zhao


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